NYHETSBREV - 2024-06-14

Nyhetsbrev for tegneserier uke 24 ...

Den ukentlige overraskelsen er kunstmagasinet oppkast, vol. 2. I tillegg har vi fått inn nyheten My Arab Melancholy av Lamia Ziadé, Dick Tracy complete vol. 1-6, Motstandsbarna vol. 5.

Vi har fått inn nye Pondus!

Mange tegneserier av Taiyo Matsumoto er kommet inn igjen, blant annet Cats of the Louvre.

My Great Arab Melancholy is a beautiful, elegiac and award-winning book from Lebanese writer and illustrator Lamia Ziadé. Blending the author's years of research, personal memoir, and more than 300 illustrations, this compelling history of the modern Arab world explores the major thinkers, struggles, and turning points that have shaped the Middle East as we know it today.

Ziadé begins in South Lebanon, 'land of martyrs, ruins, and passion', before taking the reader on a journey through Beirut, Jerusalem, Cairo, and Baghdad. The book moves from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day, tracing the Arab world's tragedies and the derailing of dreams and possibilities caused in large part by Western imperialism and the conquest of Palestine.

Within these pages there are the blasts of explosions, blood, and tears; cemeteries, wreaths, and ribbons; martyrs and paradise. Ziadé unearths the buried memory of resistance fighters and their lost ideals. In haunting prose and unforgettable images she celebrates the progressive, bold, revolutionary moments and figures of the Arab world's recent past.

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Pluto Press
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 424
Språk: UK

pris: 399.00


Set against the tumultuous political backdrop of late '60s Chicago, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters Book Two is the eagerly awaited conclusion to one of the most acclaimed graphic novels of the past decade. Presented as the fictional graphic diary of 10-year-old Karen Reyes as she tries to solve the murder of her beloved and enigmatic upstairs neighbor, Anka Silverberg, a holocaust survivor, while the interconnected stories of those around her unfold.

In Book Two, dark mysteries past and present continue to abound in the tumultuous and violent Chicago summer of 1968. Young Karen attends a protest in Grant Park and finds herself swept up in a police stomping. Privately, she continues to investigate Anka's recent death and discovers one last cassette tape that sheds light upon Anka's heroic activities in Nazi Germany. She wrestles with her own sexual identity, the death of her mother, and the secrets she suspects her brother Deez of hiding. Ferris's exhilarating cast of characters experience revelations and epiphanies that both resolve and deepen the mysteries visited upon them earlier. Visually, the story is told in Ferris's inimitable style that breathtakingly and seamlessly combines panel-to-panel storytelling and cartoon montages filled with B-movie horror and pulp monster mag iconography.

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Fantagraphics
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 412
Språk: UK

pris: 599.00


Fra Oppkast instagram:

Vi er tilbake! ⭐️ Vi har vært helt overveldet over mengden bidrag vi har fått til andre utgave. Tusen takk til dere alle, vi setter så stor pris på det! 

I andre utgave har vi vært så heldige at journalistikkstudent, Juni Johansen har intervjuet noen utvalgte kunstnere for oss. Blant annent Leandro Munch, som også var med i første utgave av Oppkast!

@mathiasavvik @aleksanderangell Edgar Bachel @ninabergkvam @andrreacam @mmmmarteeee @carolineborge_ @emmanibr @snillvard @kellichen_ @amaliedagostino @liveklaboe @theekern Jonas Nautnes Elgenes @mathias_eugen_engen @bella.fasmer @thomasfernando @olvefjeldeiken @trikkunge @jana.artfart @alexander_tenvik @peewpeewpeewpeew @ronjagravklev @tallhauggulbrandsen @villvin_art Ingrid Gundersen @dawe3d @tomhalllllgren @artbyj0nathan @thorivar.h @martehellarvikfoto @olav_hylland @firstprice_munch @christinerjakobsen @pusmedvans @jez.ebel @linajordahl @magnus_jovik @fotografisverre @stinemako @okeikult @makan_til_oppforsel @faces_of_leif @rebecca02_ @nlie11 Dirkjan van der Linde @livtarbilder LUCY LIU @camillalohmann @snublejuice @hungry_ghosting @bjornnicklas @davidoynes @oliva_kiwi @not.mattis.kristian @arthur.nilsen @mariusstromnaess @astridottmann.knoph @emmapoppe @s1ian @kleinpakkis @fridasprosjekter @rafaelschlaepfer Tuva Åse @tsikawuti @lyset.i.livet.ditt @farhadsoufi @tuvelull @sebastianvetsch @fotowidia @willedu @vilde_w

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Oppkast
Innbundet: nei
Språk: NO

pris: 120.00


Faceless foes bookend the stories in Dick Tracy Volume 4, the latest entry in the Clover Press/Library of American Comics reissue of the original six Dick Tracy volumes in the larger format that became the series standard. The intrepid detective and his friends tackle invisible enemies when they square off against the notorious Purple Cross Gang and their masked leader. Later, Tracy and Pat Patton come to grips – and blows! – with The Blank, whose look predates The Question, whose name predates The Shining, and whose unmasked face harkens back to Lon Chaney as Quasimodo! Sandwiched between those two tales, Tracy is caught in a web of intrigue along with three amoral young girls, millionaire wastrel Johnny Mintworth and his mother, plus the powerful mobs fronted by “Collie” Vinsso and Danny Supeena. Chester Gould puts menace in every shadow and death around every corner in Dick Tracy Volume 4!

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Clover Press
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 264
Språk: UK

pris: 699.00




Tegneserien «Motstandsbarna» foregår i en liten fransk landsby som er okkupert av den tyske hæren under andre verdenskrig. Vi møter tre barn/ungdom som nekter å bøye seg for fienden. Modige, uredde og nysgjerrige går de inn i motstandsbevegelsen under dekknavnet «Gaupe». I dette femte bindet fortsetter François, Lisa og Eusèbe sin motstandskamp. Nettverket Gaupe har som oppdrag å beskytte en «pianist», som egentlig er en spion som skal sørge for at den lokale motstandsbevegelsen kan kommunisere med London via radiosambandet.

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: QlturRebus
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 47
Språk: NO

pris: 229.00


Louvre-muséet i Paris inneholder mer enn bare verdenskjente kunstverk. I nattens mulm og mørke åpner en surrealistisk og usett verden seg, der en familie katter bor på loftet. Frem til nå...

En del av Louvre éditions-seriene.

Utgivelsesår: 2019
Forlag: Viz Media
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 432
Språk: UK

pris: 399.00


Written in 1910 in his 70th year, Mark Twain, having lived through 14 wars waged just by his own country on others, declined to publish this poetic despairing reproof against patriotism. His regular illustrator Daniel Beard even urged Twain to issue the piece, to which the author replied, "No, I have told the whole truth in that, and only dead men can tell the truth in this world. It can be published after I am dead."

It took 13 years after his passing for that prophecy to be fulfilled -- and now, another 102 years later, the legendary illustrator and graphic designer Seymour Chwast (himself 92 years young) has fulfilled Beard's dream of enriching the fable with illustration.

Chwast brings every aspect of his skills to this interpretation: drawing, design, typography, type design, pastel painting and computer color all sit alongside each other with Twain's text in pages that expand and pace the original. With another century and a quarter of warfare passed since its writing, Chwast's artwork echoes advances in technology but Twain's message about the pointlessness of patriotism as a marketing hook for death is only more pointed today.

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Fantagraphics
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 104
Språk: UK

pris: 399.00


The young Franz Kafka has too many fears to name. Mirrors, clothing, his own body, almost everything causes him to fret. How did this 'anxious and small bundle of bones' become one of the world's great writers? With telling details and sharply minimal illustrations, Nicolas Mahler tells a wickedly funny story of the development of Kafka's genius, offering a tribute that is as playful as it is profound.

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Pushkin Press
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 128
Språk: UK

pris: 229.00


Den bestselgende forfatteren Neil Gaiman og prisvinnende tegneserielegenden P. Craig Russell puster nytt liv i norrøn mytologi. I det andre volumet i serien vekkes flere av mytene til live, blant annet Thor og Lokes innholdsrike reise til jotnenes rike, gudenes sørgelige byttehandel som kan koste dem evig liv og guden Freys reise til Valhall for å finne en tapt gjenstand.

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Outland Forlag
Innbundet: ja
Språk: NO

pris: 399.00


1971, Monaco Grand Prix. Jackie Stewart has a perfect racing weekend. Meanwhile, after a series of setbacks, Michel Vaillant is nursing doubts about his life and his career, and shares them, his feelings, and some of his racing secrets with a journalist. As for Steve Warson, contacted by the FBI, he agrees to exfiltrate an injured special agent from a hotel in Marseille - could the French Connection interfere with the race?

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Cinebook
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 64
Språk: UK

pris: 229.00


Krampe er ein kort teikneserie om å vere redd for å symje åleine. Mor mi sa alltid at eg ikkje skulle bade åleine, men kor lenge gjeld den regelen? No er eg 42.
Dette er teikneserien for deg som likar å hoppe i havet, eller kanskje du kjenner nokon badiser? For oss som har vokse opp ved sjøen eller eit badevatn så har sjøvett for dei fleste vore ein viktig del av oppdragelsen. I denne sjølvbiografiske teikneserien vert denne oppdragelsen utfordra av min litt sjøvett-liberal svigerfamile.

Teikneserien er trykka på Risograf hos Pamflett i Bergen, i eit begrensa opplag på 100 eks og er signert og nummerert. Teikneserien er tilgjengeleg hos Tekstallmenningen i Bergen og Tronsmo i Oslo.

Cramp is a short comic about being afraid to swim alone. My mom always told me to not swim alone, but how long does that rule last? I’m now 42.
This is the comic for you that loves the joy of the ocean, or mabye you know someone who does. For those of us that grew up by the sea or a lake, safety has for most of us been an important part of our upbringing. In this auto-biographical comic, these values are challenged by my more safety-liberal family in law.

The comic is printed on Risograph at Pamflett in Bergen, in a limited edition of 100 copies, signed and numbered. I have also made a digital edition that will be possible for online purchase. The English version will be available in 2024.

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Fredrik Rysjedal
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 40
Språk: NO





Fra forfatteren:

Link Wray is the unsung hero of Rock & Roll and I’d been wanting to adapt his story in comic form for a long time. I gave myself one month to write, pencil, ink, and letter this 20 page book. It was daunting on so many levels. It consumed every fiber of my being, and I became a zombie dedicated to Link and his story.
I never imagined a year later it’d be on its 4th print run with copies going out to readers all across the globe.

I want to thank everyone who grabbed a copy of this book, and all the comic shops and booksellers who have stocked it on their shelves, it really means the world to me. If you or someone you know run a comic shop/book store/ record store, and want to stock Rumble let me know!
Long live Rock & Roll!

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Alexander Spencer
Innbundet: nei
Språk: UK

pris: 149.00

"An award-winning graphic biography of one of the world’s best-loved artists, Pablo follows Picasso’s artistic career from his origins in penury to the advent of modern art. Taking in the artist’s early life among the bohemians of Montmartre, with all of its scandal and frustration, and his turbulent relationship with his model and lover Fernande, Julie Birmant and Clément Oubrerie show how Picasso’s style developed in response to his friendships and rivalries. An entertaining and beautifully drawn account, this authoritative graphic novel explores the themes and obsessions - among them, sex, death and his great nemesis, Henri Matisse - that drove Picasso to express himself."

Utgivelsesår: 2015
Forlag: Self Made Hero
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 344
Språk: UK

pris: 289.00


Eliteserien feirer kvartveis til hundre, og fortsatt skjer det mirakler på høyde med de mektigste i Mosebøkene: Nei, vi snakker ikke om at Else begynner (og slutter) med jeans, men at de evigsingle bussjåførene Ivar og Hugo endelig får napp! Pondus Eliteserien samler alt av Pondus, i kronologisk rekkefølge og stort format, med redaksjonelt stoff om tegneserier i utgivelsesperioden. I denne boka får du et perspektiv på Pondus fra Arild Midthun, Øverlis egne kommentarer, samt møte den frittalende Maren Uthaug og Ponduspris-vinner John S. Jamtli.

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Strand forlag
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 192
Språk: NO

pris: 429.00


A graphic biography of female novelist George Sand, whose life and work championed women’s rights, gender expression, and sexual liberation

A scrupulously researched and tenderly revealing biography of one of the great pioneering figures of 19th-century French literature. Born in 1804—at a time when women were deprived of their civil rights (along with minors, criminals, and the insane)—Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin grew up to defy those norms, both in her life and her writing. Adopting the gender-neutral pen name George Sand, and in a career lasting over forty years as a novelist and playwright, she is best remembered today for the affairs and friendships she enjoyed with men: the composer Chopin; the painter Delacroix; the novelist Balzac. But this moving biographical portrait, written by Séverine Vidal and illustrated by Kim Consigny, restores her to the center stage she always commanded in her lifetime. Not just as the daring, scandalously cross-dressing, bisexual, cigarette-smoking divorcée novelist, but as the brilliant chronicler of her changing time—and therefore of ours.

Utgivelsesår: 2024
Forlag: Selfmadehero
Innbundet: nei
Sidetall: 344
Språk: UK

pris: 329.00


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