NYHETSBREV - 2010-03-09

Første ledd i No Comprendos Olaf Gulbransson-satsning foreligger nå. Den geniale norske tegneren, oppvokst i Kristiania, flyttet i 1902 til München for å tegne i det verdensberømte satirebladet Simplicissimus. I 1934 ga han ut sin tegnede og håndtekstede selvbiografi, Det var engang, parallellt på tysk og norsk, og i 1954 kom del to Und so weiter ut i Tyskland. Denne har bare vært utgitt i utvalg i Norge, så selvbiografien kommer altså nå for første gang komplett på norsk, og samlet i ett bind. Et fantastisk kulturhistorisk prosjekt! Gulbranssons elegante, poengterte tegninger ledsages av en idiosynkratisk og morsom tekst. Her er det stor sjarm og glimt i øyet! Vi gleder oss vilt til fortsettelsen med Steffen Kverneland og Lars Fiske sin tegnede reiseskildring i Olaf Gulbranssons fotspor. Etterord av Einar Økland.

Utgivelsesår: 2003
Forlag: No Comprendo!
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 240
Språk: NO

pris: 198.00 298.00

"Presenting a unique, stand-alone companion to our Krazy & Ignatz series. The Kat Who Walked In Beauty collects many rare and unique dailies from the 1910s and 1920s. Though many readers are aware of Herriman's dynamic Sunday pages, few know that during 1920, in what must have been an editorially unrestrictive period for Herriman, he drew some of the most graphic and brilliantly conceived daily strips ever created; they look like "mini-Sunday" strips. This nine-month stretch of dailies, never-before-reprinted, is among the treasures included in this collection. The collection includes many other Herriman gems, including the very first stand-alone Krazy & Ignatz strips from 1911, and the illustrations from Herriman's Krazy Kat Jazz pantomime/ballet, performed to captivated New York audiences in 1922. This book fills in several gaps in the daily strip history, reproduced at close to their original size." -Fantagraphics

Utgivelsesår: 2007
Forlag: Fantagraphics Books
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 114
Språk: UK


"My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down is Heatley's life story told in six different but connected narrative threads. Sex History describes every sexual encounter dating back to kindergarten, with details that would make a therapist blush. Black History is an unflinchingly honest meditation on his own racism. Portrait of My Mom and Portrait of My Dad are beautifully paced vignettes, skewering and celebrating his lovably dysfunctional parents. Family History tells the story of his family from his great-great-grandparents' lives and closes with the birth of his own children. Woven in and around the larger pieces are dream comics that expand on the same themes with a baffling unconscious logic. Every inch of My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down is filled with visceral art and emotionally resonant storytelling at once stunning, truthful, and uncomfortably hilarious." -fra omslaget

Utgivelsesår: 2008
Forlag: Pantheon
Innbundet: ja
Språk: UK

pris: 50.00 199.00


Pushwagner, som har mange år som uteligger og narkoman bak seg, opplever for tiden et stort kunstnerisk gjennombrudd, både her hjemme og internasjonalt. I denne illustrerte monografien gir Petter Mejlænder et innblikk i kunstnerens billedverden og liv, historien om samarbeidet med Axel Jensen og bakgrunnen for hovedverkene En dag i familien Manns livApokalypse og billedromanen Soft City.

Utgivelsesår: 2008
Forlag: Magikon
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 50
Språk: NO


Fra omslaget: "Joann Sfar's beloved, humorous, and wise talking cat is back for more beautifully illustrated adventures in Algiers and across Africa in the 1930s. While the rabbi is away, his cat tags along with Malka of the Lions (the rabbi's enigmatic cousin), who roams the desert with his ferocious-on-demand lion. Some believe Malka to be a pious Jew, others think he's a shrewd womanizer, but the cat will be the one to discover the surprising truth.
Back in Algiers, the rabbi's daughter, Zlabya, and her new husband fill the house with their fighting, while the city around them fills with a rising tide of anti-Semitism. On a whim, the rabbi's cat, the rabbi, a sheikh (also a cousin of the rabbi), and a very misplaced Russian painter set out on a fantastic journey (even encountering a young reporter named Tintin in the Congo) in search of an African Jerusalem. It turns out to be very fortuitous that the rabbi's cat is not just a talking cat, but a multilingual talking cat."

Utgivelsesår: 2008
Forlag: Pantheon
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 130
Språk: UK


Army Shanks er en gammal sjøulk og en legendarisk bølle i det arktiske ishavet. Han har kun en tanke i hodet; å finne det mytiske øyparadiset Far Arden som visstnok skal finnes et sted i det kalde nord. Men Shanks har ikke bare uendelige mengder vann å forsere på sin ferd, han må hamle opp med sirkusartister, foreldreløse hjerteknusere, bitre ekskjærester, onde kjeltringer og hele den kongelige kanadiske marinen!.

Utgivelsesår: 2009
Forlag: Top Shelf Productions
Innbundet: ja
Sidetall: 384
Språk: UK



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